AED Back to School Essentials AED Back to School Essentials

AED Back to School Essentials

AED Back to School Essentials

AEDs, or Automatic external defibrillators, are one of the most essential tools that schools have to keep their staff and students safe. On average it takes paramedics approximately 8 to 12 minutes to respond to a scene once 911 has been called. This is of course is why an AED can save more lives. When combined with immediate delivery of CPR, early application of a defibrillator (AED) more than doubles the rate of survival for an individual in sudden cardiac arrest.

Back to School Essentials We must ensure that the AEDs are in working order. Consider incorporating some of the following items into routine monthly AED checklists. While we hope AEDs never have to be used, it is essential that they remain rescue ready.

AED Pads: AED pads must make proper contact with an individual’s skin. This allows for the AED to analyze the heart rhythm accurately, as well as to be able to deliver the shock. To achieve this contact, AED pads have a gel on them that adheres to the patients bare skin. Once pads are beyond their expiration date the risk of detachment or other issues increases greatly. Your AED will list the expiration date of the pads directly on the packaging. AED pad life depends on the manufacturer and model. As part of routine monthly checks, ensure that each AED has pads that are rescue ready and have not expired

AED Batteries: AEDs batteries need to be replaced every 2-5 years, depending on the AED model and other factors that affect battery life. If the light above the power indicator is flashing green or has a visible check mark, the AED is ready for use. If the light is red or has a visible X, the AED is not ready to use. You may need to replace the AED batteries and or AED Pads. If no light or X is visible, the battery is dead and needs to be replaced.

AED Supplies and Maintenance: AEDS should have a Rescue kit that should be attached to the AED or Pads depending on the model and manufacturer, and it should be equipped with razors that can clear a space on the chest for pads to be placed, if necessary. Other supplies will include scissors (to cut away any clothing that may have wiring), CPR masks, latex gloves, and towelette.

To make sure that all of the above things are taken care of, we recommend that your school sets up a recurring monthly inspection, to check in on the status of all AEDs. It’s likely that you won’t always need to take additional action, but erring on the side of caution ensures that this life-saving tool is ready to rescue whenever required.

If your school would like information on our FREE AED Management program, please contact AED4Life.